Streching fitness in chandigarh

Stop Stretching! A Cons and Pros list on Stretching!

You must have heard at least one personal trainer in Chandigarh mention doing dynamic stretches rather than traditional ones. Sports Massage Therapy at Bodyzone is also an emerging trend in the fitness industry.

A question emerges from that: If it is bad for me, why does my dog do it all the time? Stretching can be beneficial for animals, but some fresh studies say it could be problematic.

Your gym buddy, who joined the gym two weeks and 674 Insta reels ago, would preach that it is important to stretch.

From uncles doing Kapalbhati (Skull-Shining Breath) to your 9-year-old niece, everyone will weigh in on the benefits of stretching.

What do the studies say, though? This is the only pros and cons list you will ever need on stretching post- or pre-workout.

The Cons List

  1. The Defeated Purpose!

The old-school ideology says one must do stretches before and after a workout to avoid any injuries one might face. It is a common belief that static stretching pushes out the possibility of injuries.

Recent studies say that there is no proof to back this claim up that stretches will yield an injury-free workout.

Yes, dynamic stretches are something that most gyms are leaning towards, but aren’t they just first sets?

Yes, there is no denying that being extra flexible helps your range of motion. Gradually increasing your weight and intensity of your workout is a better idea than stretching.

  1. A Shocking Revelation

Stretching doesn’t improve your mobility in any way possible. Often neglected, leg lifts can be added to your pre-exercise rituals.

To progress with mobility, one must improve the ROM (range of motion) without special support.

So, if better mobility is your foremost goal, your focus should be exercises that aim for the exact ROM you seek to improve. Strength training should be a default option.

However, you can conclude your workout with a stretch if you still believe it promotes flexibility.

  1. Can Aggravate an Injury

Not only does stretching not keep you injury-free, but stretching through pain can cause a muscle tear. If you are a beginner or even an intermediate gym goer, you should know when to stop stretching.

Overstretching a sore muscle is one of the top reasons a person can get a stretching-related injury. You should know your limits in this area.

Your aim is to reach that sweet spot where the pain and pleasure are mild.


  1. May Help Your Back Pain

Tight muscles can cause a reduction in your reach or range of motion. This can result in increased chances of straining one’s back muscles. Stretching can help heal a prevailing back ache or injury.

Stretching the muscles is a proven way to relieve back aches. A safer stretching routine will strengthen your back muscles, resulting in a lower risk of injury.

  1. Helps You Relax

For many folks, stretching just feels so darn good. It cannot directly be compared to cheap thrills, but it surely is a guilty pleasure. Just like an occasional cheat day or a late-night pizza, it is what some may love to do.

Stretching can be particularly calming mentally if you do it with deep breathing patterns. Every time you let out a deep breath, imagine pushing out a stressor of your life.  Sink a little extra bit into the stretch.

Remember not to stretch to the point of pain. Stretching in this very deliberate way can undoubtedly give you a psychological boost.

  1. That Neck Pain

Stretching also amplifies one’s energy levels thanks to the improved circulation it promotes. However, learning to stretch appropriately will lead to a better, more active lifestyle.

Some studies say there is moderate-grade evidence to support the claim that stretching exercises can comfort chronic neck pain.

  1. May Improve Your Posture

Poor posture is an outcome of an imbalance in your muscles. It is outrageously common in people, more than one can think, of all age groups.

Stretching in combination with strength exercises can help in aligning your muscles. Eventually, you will have a better posture thanks to stretching.

Dynamic stretching will also ease the discomfort and pain from the wrong posture.

So, Which One is it?

It depends totally on you. If you are still a fan of stretching, you are more than welcome to continue doing that. But if you are worried about doing the right thing, at least static stretches should not be a choice.

Thai Stretch Massage Bodyzone Fitness and Spa is becoming popular among fitness freaks wanting to train smartly.