Best dietition in chandigarh

Best Dietitian in Chandigarh at Bodyzone

It’s not possible, right? Wrong! UFC fighters always do it to make it through the weighting on stage. So take notes because the Best dietitian in Chandigarh at Bodyzone is explaining how to do it safely.

UFC fighters do it under the observation of a doctor, so do not try it if you’re a beginner. It is for intermediate or pro-level fitness freaks who want to shed weight before competitions.

As a beginner, you can do pointers two, three, and five. The rest of them can be risky for your body, so be extra smart with them.

Shedding that Water

There are five prime reasons behind excessive water retention in the human body. If you have excess sodium (from salt), are pregnant, have a menstrual cycle, experience hormonal fluctuations, or have prolonged sitting habits, you’ll carry excess water.

Start drinking a lot of water to shed that extra water weight from your body. When your body knows it has easy access to water, it will not retain extra. 

Caffeine can play a powerful role as well. It is known to dry up human bodies as a diuretic. Coffee will flush out toxins through urination.

Get more potassium, cut the carbs, and try cardio with heat turned up. If you have had dehydration issues, this is not the way to go. Keep Scrolling.

7700 Calories Method

When humans started growing bellies, they learned it was bad for their health. They thought of measuring the food they ate. Historically speaking, a French genius, Nicolas Clement, talked about calories in his lectures from 1819 to 1824.

Khair, the method says a person needs to lose approximately 7700 calories to lose a kilogram of weight. The quickest possible way to do that might be back-to-back spinning classes at Bodyzone gym Chandigarh.

For your information, you can lose up to 1200 calories in a 45-minute spin class there. If you have the energy to do so, it can take only six and a half classes.

The Grand Ol’ Calorie Deficit

If you do not have the power to do six and a half spinning classes, that is okay. You can reduce at least one class simply by eating less or healthier food.

It is considered unhealthy to eat at most 1200 calories per day. So the lowest you can go with calories is 1200, okay! So, your quota for calorie intake is that much, at least a week before the day of action.

Are we asking too much, though? Well, if you know what to eat, you can achieve that target quite easily. You can take the help of the best dietitian in Chandigarh at Bodyzone rather than rely on some brand-driven influencers.

Rest, eat fewer carbohydrates, drink a lot of fluids, keep sodium intake low, and add plenty of fiber to your diet.

Meditate and Lose 1 Kilo in 1 Day

Have you ever seen an obese monk? I guess not! It may be a new monk, but a practiced monk is rarely fat. The reason behind this magical static, many believe, is that they do a lot of meditation.

When under stress, the adrenal glands produce and circulate the cortisol hormone, triggering the fight-or-flight mode. Cortisol makes you hungry for toxic foods like sugar, fats, and salt.

Your metabolism will go down the drain, and now you have higher insulin levels, making your body need sugar. You will stress about how much you have eaten, and everything will start again. It is a never-ending vicious cycle.

Stress is known as one of the top three reasons why plus-sized people are in bad shape. If we can manage to keep our stress levels at bay, we can achieve the goal of losing a kilo in a day.

Sleep it off

Who on this good god’s earth likes bloating? The reason supreme behind this ugly function of your body is lack of rest.

When the human body doesn’t get the required rest, it retains extra water and plays with hormones. These hormones make you eat packed, processed, or unhealthy foods.

Everyone’s sleep requirements are different from six to nine or ten in the rarest of cases. You need plenty of sleep to lose one kilogram in a day, and your energy levels must be unmatched.

However, this forbidden goal is impossible to achieve with an already tired body. So, a simple activity such as sleeping can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Your Goal is As Big or Small as Your Will

It may seem like a ponderous task at the beginning, but it is nothing in comparison to your discipline. You are a warrior on a mission to be the fittest person in your bloodline.

They don’t know your limitations. You are a universe yourself. You will achieve your goals, and if things go south, the best dietitian in Chandigarh at Bodyzone is here to help.